Hugo, GitLab, and Kubernetes
Published on 25 October, 2019
The website you’re currently reading is a statically generated site running on a (small) Kubernetes cluster. It’s built using Hugo and deploy using GitLab Auto DevOps. At this point you may be start thinking that I’m crazy. And you may be right, but that’s besides the point. Honestly, there’s no real sane answer to why this is a good idea other than that I wanted to do something with Kubernetes and I also just so happened to want to rewrite my personal website. And because I’m sure there are other people out there like me (or there aren’t and I’m talking into an abyss) I decided it might be worth spending a few minutes to share my experience.
Before we start deploying, we need to let GitLab know about our Kubernetes cluster. This is as simple as going to the “Operations” tab of your GitLab repository, selecting “Kubernetes”, and then clicking on the button labeled “Add Kubernetes Cluster”. I’m going to gloss over how to actually setup the cluster in GitLab since the GitLab instructions are pretty good. Once you have the cluster configured, you’ll need to install at least the “Helm” and “Ingress” modules. The Ingress module will display an IP address once it’s configured. You’ll need to add this to your DNS provider as an A record along with the hostname you’d like to use for your cluster. Make sure you also set the “Base domain” field to match the hostname you set on the DNS provider.
Now that GitLab is connected to Kubernetes, we can start deploying out
website. I’ll assume you already have a Hugo site that’s ready to be
deployed. If not, go create one now, I’ll wait. Done yet? Good. The first thing
we’ll need to do is create a Dockerfile
that will build and publish our
site. Here’s a sample one:
# Build
FROM alpine:latest AS build
RUN apk add --no-cache hugo git
COPY . .
RUN git submodule update --init && hugo
# Deploy
FROM nginx:alpine
WORKDIR /usr/share/nginx/html
RUN rm -fr *.??* && sed -i 's/80/5000/g' /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
COPY --from=build /site/public /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
We can see that the file is broken up into two parts: build and deploy. This is
to limit the size of our deployment image since we don’t need git or hugo in
order to run our site using NGINX. On line 20, we also see that we’re using
to replace every occurance of 80
with 5000
in NGINX’s default
configuration. This is because GitLab expects containers to expose port 5000
so we need to update the NGINX configuration file to host the site on 5000
rather than the more standard 80
With the Dockerfile out of the way, we need to write a .gitlab-ci.yml
override some of the defaults from the Auto DevOps pipeline.
- template: Auto-DevOps.gitlab-ci.yml
image: ""
.production: &production_template
extends: .auto-deploy
stage: production
- auto-deploy check_kube_domain
- auto-deploy download_chart
- auto-deploy ensure_namespace
- auto-deploy initialize_tiller
- auto-deploy create_secret
- auto-deploy deploy
- auto-deploy delete canary
- auto-deploy delete rollout
- auto-deploy persist_environment_url
name: production
paths: [environment_url.txt]
<<: *production_template
- master
kubernetes: active
I honestly don’t know what most of this stuff does since it was pulled out of
the GitLab code but I know it works. The big thing here is line
22, where we set the deployment URL. This is important because the default value
here is sets it so that the project is deployed to a project-specific subdomain
of the hostname from the “Base domain” field of the Kubernetes cluster page in
GitLab. Sometimes this isn’t what we want so we can override it by providing our
own .gitlab-ci.yml
. Just make sure that whatever value is used in url
matches the “Base domain” that was set earlier. Make sure this also matches the
value in the Hugo config.toml
file. Otherwise, permalinks will not
We’re almost ready to start deploying. That last thing that needs to be done is
the testing steps need to be disabled. These steps are great for when the
project contains “actual code” but it will always fail when running on a static
site. To disable these steps, go to “Settings”, “CI / CD”, and finally in the
“Variables” section, add a new variable for each test step and set the value to
. The different test steps are listed in
the GitLab documentation. Now when the deployment
pipeline runs, it’ll build the Docker image and then go straight to deploying it
to the Kubernetes cluster.
With that done everything should be in place to start deploying. Push the hugo
project to master
branch and take a look at the “Pipelines” page under “CI /
CD” in the GitLab project to see if a new pipeline has been started. Once it’s
completes the production step, it should be available at the URL set in the
While I definitely recommend using GitHub Pages or GitLab Pages2 for most use cases, it’s always nice to try something new. Even if it’s far more powerful than necessary.